when: Sunday, May 7 @ 10:00am
where: Mustering at Parking Lot, behind the “BIG H”
The 2023 paddling season is finally upon us as we count down the days until the Reservoir is fully thawed! The City of Calgary has informed us they are planning to open the reservoir and boat patrol is available to assist us with towing the boats on Sunday, May 7th. The boats are currently in storage and will need some extra hands to help lift the mighty boats out from the containers and move our fleet of boats back onto the water for practices to begin.
A reminder that this is a “community” event and the more hands we have the easier the job is.
Please circulate to your team members and let’s get the season started in style!!!
We are excited to welcome back all our members and get on the water and practicing for the return of the Calgary Dragon Boat Race & Festival August 11,12,13, 2023!
Thank you in advance!!!
If any inquiries, please contact registration@calgarydragonboatsociety.com
The boats will be launched from the HERITAGE DOCKS. Please meet in the Heritage Park parking lot behind the “BIG H”. See the map below.