Team Practice Registration 2024

All teams must register for a practice team who wishes to practice through CDBS between May and October.

  1. It is the responsibility of the primary team contact (captain, coach, manager) to complete the online Team Registration Form before any team member is allowed to register and sign Paddler Registration / Waiver Form.
  2. Once the Team Practice Registration Form is submitted, the primary team contact will receive a confirmation email
    • confirming your practice team registration has been accepted, and a link to update team information in the future. 
    •  a link to your Practice Team Dashboard.  This dashboard contains your registered team information and a link for team members to access the Paddler Registration / Waiver Form.  Team members will need to know the Team name to sign the waiver
  3. It is advisable to keep these emails for your records.
  4. There is no limit on the number of paddlers you submit for the practice roster. 
  • If you have any concerns about our online registration system and your information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Captain, Coach And Steersperson Responsibility

  1. Complete a mandatory orientation and safety session prior to the team’s first practice. A team will not be allowed on the water until this is completed.
  2. Communicate the information provided in the orientation and safety session to their respective teams and any new members to the team during the practice session.
  3. Uphold the rules and regulations as reviewed and documented in the orientation and safety session. Failure to do so will result in possible revoking of future practices with no refund.
  4. Ensure ALL team members have completed and signed Paddler Registration / Waiver form online prior to participant’s first practice.
  5. Ensure a CDBS approved steersperson is steering each practice.

Registration will OPEN SOON.

Come back February 15th, 2025

  • Registration opens February 15th
  • Registration deadline September 1st

updated: February 14, 2024