About the Calgary Dragon Boat Society
In late April 2010, the new Calgary Dragon Boat Society Board met for the first time, bringing together a group of enthusiastic and like-minded individuals tasked to oversee the long-term sustainability and success of dragon boating in Calgary and the region.
The Board will provide stewardship and oversight for the business of the Society, whose mission is;
to engage Calgarians in an annual community dragon boat festival that profiles local Chinese culture and promotes a shared cultural experience.
The City of Calgary has been instrumental in supporting the development of this Board, working with a steering committee over the previous six months to develop the governance structure required, and to interview individuals interested in serving on the Board.
Each Board member has agreed to abide by the following values, which will guide the work of Board, volunteers and staff:
Leadership – we demonstrate skilled management and high standards in all aspects of our operations
Cooperation – we encourage the participation of Calgarians and collaborative and harmonious relations with all community groups and organizations
Transparency – we are open, honest and ethical in all of our actions
Safe and Healthy – we ensure a safe and healthy festival, including the protection of the physical environment
Fun – we believe that exploring other cultures is enjoyable and fun
The Board’s role is to ensure there is a formal strategic planning process in place, and then to review, contribute, question, validate and ultimately endorse the strategy for the Society.
The Board considers sponsors to be business partners in achieving the Society’s Mission. The Board is committed to not only securing a successful event but also building a sustainable development of a sustainable dragon boat community and annual Festival & Race in Calgary.
The Board realizes that the benefits to businesses considering sponsorship must be clearly identified and articulated. To this end, the Board has developed a variety of Sponsorship Categories.
See sponsorship opportunities…