Calgary Dragon Boat Society
There are two categories of membership in the Society:
- Active Member is any person who:
- is a resident of Calgary or the surrounding communities
- has attained the age of eighteen (18) years
- has paid the annual membership fee
- demonstrates a willingness to honour, uphold and support the objectives of the Society
- is active in the sport of dragon boat racing
- has contributed to the annual Calgary Dragon Boat festival as a volunteer, sponsor or donor
- Associate Member is any person or organization who:
- is interested or active in the sport of dragon boat racing or the Calgary Dragon Boat festival
- demonstrates a willingness to honour, uphold and support the objectives of the Society.
Conditions Of Membership
- Only Active Members have voting rights.
- The membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31.
- Annual membership fees shall be determined by the Board and are payable within the membership year.
- Membership in the Society shall not be transferable.
- Membership in the Society, and all its rights and privileges, shall cease under the following circumstances:
- upon receipt of written notice of resignation to the Secretary from the Member;
- upon the Member being in default of paying the membership fees; or,
- upon the death of the Member.
- Any Member may be expelled from membership by reason of undertaking activities that violate the best interests and goals of the Society. Prior to the Board vote being taken, the Member proposed for expulsion shall be given fourteen (14) days written notice of the proposed expulsion and given an opportunity to explain or justify his/her position to the Board.
Society Membership Fees will be $5/member or $100/team.
CDBS Member Handbook & Safety Guidelines (PDF)
Calgary Dragon Boat Society
Code of Conduct
updated: April 2024
The Calgary Dragon Boat Society (CDBS) is committed to engaging Calgarians in an annual community dragon boat festival that showcases local Chinese culture and encourages a shared cultural experience. The CDBS strives to create a safe and positive environment for all participants, ensuring that everyone is treated with respect and fairness. All activities are conducted in alignment with the Society’s core values:
Leadership, Cooperation, Transparency, Safety and Health, and Enjoyment
The Code of Conduct extends to all members of the Society: paddlers, coaches, managers, steers people, and the Board of Directors, as well as to those contracted to support the Festival, such as officials, event planners, and volunteers.
These values apply to the membership of the Society in activities such as practices, clinics, team-related activities and events, and the Festival itself. They may extend to related conduct via non-verbal communications such as social media, email/written correspondence, and other outside activities.
Calgary Dragon Boat Society will not tolerate acts of violence, hate, bullying or harassment.
Any violations of the Code of Conduct will be reviewed by the CDBS, and subsequent sanctions, if deemed necessary, may be imposed on the individuals and/or team responsible. The CDBS will adhere to the guidance and definitions of personal responsibilities outlined by Dragon Boat Canada, which apply to individuals, Committee (Board) Members, coaches, athletes, officials, parents/guardians, and spectators. These responsibilities are detailed under item 7 in the DBC Core Policy Manual at
Coaches, managers and steers people are encouraged to take the Safe Sport training course online,
found at
Equity and Inclusiveness
The CDBS promotes inclusion, equity, and access in all its activities. It advocates for equitable participation among underrepresented groups, including racialized individuals, Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, and members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
As a guiding principle, CDBS will follow Dragon Boat Canada’s Equity and Inclusion Policies, also found at
Athletes should have the freedom to participate in the gender category with which they identify or in which they feel most comfortable. While they can discuss this with their coach, they are not obligated to disclose their gender expression or identity. Should coaches, managers, or athletes have questions regarding rosters, they are encouraged to contact the Registrar at
Ultimately, the CDBS’s goal is to ensure that all individuals are included, able to participate, and feel safe and respected.
Support For Disabilities
The CDBS, given adequate notice, will provide support for teams that require physical assistance and other support related to a team member’s disability. Although the CDBS aims to support all disabilities, some may necessitate equipment and/or infrastructure that is not considered safe for use in an aquatic environment or within the confines of a dragon boat. The CDBS will review all requests and discuss them directly with the team and/or the paddlers involved.