10-person Dragon Boat Usage Guidelines
The Society has purchased two 10-person dragon boats. These boats were purchased primarily to allow teams unable to meet the minimum of 12 paddlers required for a 20-person dragon boat, which will give these teams the opportunity to still have a practice.
However, when they are not being used for that purpose they can be used by any team wanting to use them. With that in mind, we have developed the following guidelines for the usage of the boats.
General Guidelines
The minimum number of paddlers required for a 10-person boat is 8.
All other safety and usage guidelines for use of dragon boats apply. For example, you must still have an approved steersperson, use the south end of the dock, and follow the race course/water etiquette as you would in a 20-person boat.
Boats must be moored together and returned to the same buoy from which they were retrieved.
Monday to Friday
10-man boats can not be reserved and priority goes to teams short of 12 paddlers.
The boats are available on a first come first serve basis for any teams that don’t have enough paddlers to take out a 20-person boat.
A team taking out a 10-person boat instead of a 20-man boat will be charged the same fee for boat rental – there is no need to contact the Practice Coordinator.
If the boats are not being used by a team short of paddlers they can be used by a team wishing to make use of them. This would include teams that want to split up their crews for head to heads or team with more than 20 paddlers. A team taking out 2 boats will have to pay an additional $80 rental fee.
If you do wish to take 2 boats for your practice please email the practice coordinator at practiceinfo@calgarydragonboatsociety.com to reserve a second practice slot. Additional prime practice slots can only be booked within 72 hours and require confirmation as CDBS can have a maximum of 5 boats on the reservoir at a time.
Saturday and Sunday
Boats can be reserved by notifying the Practice Coordinator. The Practice Coordinator will send out a note to teams practicing on the weekend to advise teams if the boats have been booked.
If a boat has not been reserved it can be used by any team wishing to use it.
As above, the rental fee for the 10-person boat will be the same price as a 20-man boat.
A team taking out 2 boats will have to pay an additional $80 rental fee. If you do wish to take 2 boats for your practice please email the practice coordinator at practiceinfo@calgarydragonboatsociety.com to reserve a second practice slot.