Paddler Registration/Waiver Form
Corporate Challenge - July 27
Note: Only sign waivers once per event.

Paddler Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Event Selection*:
Primary Phone*:
Alternate Phone:
Street Address:
Street Address 2:
Postal Code:
 I am available to steer for other teams. I have all required certifications for the event and/or district in which this event is taking place.

 I am available to drum for other teams.

Emergency Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Primary Phone*:
Alternate Phone:
I hereby release and discharge the Calgary Dragon Boat Society (herein referred to as "CDBS"), City of Calgary, its agents, coaches, directors, employees, members, officers, sponsors and volunteers (herein referred to collectively as "personnel") from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and executions which the undersigned’s heirs, successors, executors, administrators, representatives or assigns may have, or claim to have, for any and/or all personal injuries, known and unknown, and injuries to property, real or personal, caused by or arising out of, the participation in the activity of dragon boating not limited to dry land training (e.g. Physical workouts), on water practices, and/or racing.

I, the undersigned, fully understand, acknowledge and agree that this sport activity has inherent risks involved, and I am fully aware of the nature of these risks. Notwithstanding these risks, I hereby waive any and all rights, claims, prospective causes of action, cause of action, etc. As heretofore enumerated, and I hereby assume any and all risk associated with my participation in this sporting activity. I understand that paddling on lakes, reservoirs and rivers involve certain dangers, not all of which can be listed here. Among the more obvious and frequent are:

- Exposure to variable extremes in weather that may cause injury due to heat or cold, and which may prevent or force route and itinerary changes.
Contact with and possible immersion in cold water for undetermined periods, leading to hypothermia and possible suffocation.
- Exposure to capsizing and sinking, trees, rocks, bridge abutments, log jams, rope entanglement, current patterns and other possible sources of "in water" injury and entrapment.
- Unfamiliar terrain and routes where dragon boats could become separated from the party.
- Transport by public or private motor vehicle.
- Travel in remote locations with poor communications and inability to get rescue or medical assistance easily or quickly.

I am not relying on any oral or written statements, if any, made by CDBS and its personnel, whether in brochure, advertisements or in individual conversations, to lead to me to become involved in this program on any basis other than my assumptions of the risks involved.

I accept all of the risks and the possibility of death, personal injury, property damage and loss resulting from my involvement with practice and racing events.

I acknowledge that CDBS personnel have been available to fully explain the various hazards and risks associated with this activity. In addition, I have read and understand the CDBS Member Handbook and Safety Guidelines (available on the CDBS website)

I acknowledge and accept that there is a risk that I could be exposed to COVID-19 while participating in a dragon boat practice or event. I also acknowledge and confirm that I am willing to accept this risk as a condition of participating in dragon boat practices or events hosted by the CDBS. I agree to release the CDBS, City of Calgary and its personnel from any and all causes of action, claims, demands, requests, damages or any recourse whatsoever in respect of any personal injuries or other damages which may occur or arise as a result of exposure to COVID-19 during my participation in dragon boat practices or events hosted by the CDBS.

I confirm that I am 18 years of age or older or where I am under 18 years of age, through my legal guardian, I agree that I will pay for all costs incurred by CDBS , and/or its personnel and the City of Calgary, should a suit be launched on behalf of me, my child or charge or organization.

I, the undersigned, have read this waiver/release carefully before signing, and that I understand all of its terms and conditions. I execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. I understand that it will be binding, not only by me, but also by my heirs, next of kin, personal representatives and assigns.

I agree that, even though I, my child or charge or organization may not live in Alberta, the laws of the province of Alberta and City of Calgary by-laws govern this waiver of liability and release of claims and will be enforceable in any court of law.

By selecting the Waiver Acceptance check box below you are indicating that you have read and accept the terms and conditions of the WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS.

I Accept
I Accept and am under the age of 18 years old

Electronic Signature: